Kolbe doing one of his favorite things...leafblowing.
Libby is now officially 2. She turned 2 a few weeks ago, but finally had her party yesterday. We were hoping it could have been outside, but we were RAINED OUT!
Libby got a girl bike from Grandma and Grandpa B. Of course Kolbe thinks it is his. It was fun to have a party with little girl things. She got several princess presents including: nightgown, movie, beach towel, etc. She also got a girl book. We have a lot of non-gender specific books and TONS of boy books, construction and such, but no girl books. The item all the kids at the party loved was the doll and stroller, and the gift Kolbe and Libby have been fighting over now is the hippo bubble blower. Libby also got several cute outfits, and even a pink swimsuit.
We had a good time at the birthdat party. It was nice that so many of our friends and family could come.
Kolbe changed out of his pj's but had not yet put on his clothes for the day. Before he could, he got distracted by me cleaning and decided to help sweep. I asked him if he thought he should put on his clothes and he responded, "You know, I'm not really a clothes boy."