Who do these crazy kids belong to?
Kolbe is wearing his Home Depot apron. They had a special workshop for kids and he put together a toy car. He talked all day about wanting to work at Home Depot when he gets older. :)
I have heard of toddlers hiding when they do their business. Yesterday I changed her diaper and before I put the new one on she took off running. She hid behind the rocking chair and peepeed. Kolbe and I thought it was pretty funny, he even wanted to help clean it up. Lately when she has a solid poopy in her diaper she tugs her diaper-must not feel too comfy in there. ;)

She has also been working on trying to dress herself. Any article of clothing of mine she finds she puts on. I'm sure mine are much easier to put on than hers. Usually my shirts become her pants, or she gets them wrapped around and hanging from her neck. She hangs bags, purses, or any other items that work from her arms, holds my car keys and heads for the door. She walks right up to it like she is dressed and ready to go.
Today while Kolbe was at school Elizabeth and I went to the Parents as Teachers playgroup. She had a blast! Several of the other parents commented on how much she loves to get around. She darted all over the place. Libby climbed up on one of the playstructures several times and each time she got to the top would squeal with excitement. It was so funny. You wouldn't hear one sound out of her until she reached the top and she'd look around at the other kids and act like she was the queen of the hill ~'I'm up here everyone, look at me!' ;) We knew several of the other parents there so they already knew Libby and were chuckling at her antics. The one's that didn't know her met her pretty quickly! Of course she was all over the ball bin, almost fell in stretching to get out EVERY last ball in there. She made a mess of the sand pile. And the suprise fun toy, a vacuum. Guess she was trying to clean up her sand mess. She had a great time with that vacuum cleaner. Kolbe used to like that toy a lot too. When he was her age he was scared of the real vacuum cleaner (probably didn't hear it enough to get used to the noise), but liked to pretend with a quiet vacuum.
Kolbe had a good day at school. After Libby and I left the playgroup we picked him up. I asked how school went and he said "Sometimes I don't want to talk about everything I did today." After a couple of minutes though, he went on and on about his morning. I didn't tell him what Libby and I had done. I was hoping to let it slip by (he is too old to go now.) When we got home I took off her shoes a tiny bit of sand fell out. He noticed. He wondered where she went to get that sand in her shoes. I said "I didn't see any sand." I wasn't lying, I really hadn't seen any fall out. Not much gets by this kid! :)