
Thursday, September 14, 2006

One of Jeff's fellow teachers was in Kolbe's classroom and took some photos to email to Jeff. Yesterday, since it was his birthday, they said a special prayer for Jeff over the P.A.
The first thing Kolbe told me on the way home was that he had made a great big tower at school.
When I went to pick him up, his teacher said it had been quite a day, that there had been some tears. None from Mr. Kolbe though, they took a minute to give me a little update; one said he was a "little angel" and the other said they wished they had 20 just like him. I couldn't wait until Jeff called so we could tell him! I had been wondering how he acted in a different setting, with totally new surroundings, but hadn't asked his teachers for their observations yet. We have P/T conferences in late October, so I thought we'd wait until then to ask, but they volunteered the information. It is so funny the things he shares with me in the car on the way back home from school. "A little girl who is red, no she was wearing red, took my spot." He tells me about all of the little injustices that happen to him throughout the morning. Almost every time he will report someone taking something of his or saying something to him, etc. He doesn't get upset that they have done it, he just wants me to know about it. I would love to be a fly on the wall and see how he reacts to situations that come up. :)


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