
Monday, August 21, 2006

First day of preschool!

He doesn't exactly look ecstatic for his first day. Mom was a little worried.Sometimes bribery works. "Kolbe you can smile or stand up, which one do you want to do?" He decided not to stand, hence the grin. If bribery doesn't work, try trickery. Grandpa happened to be walking by on his way home from dropping Gma off at work and took a picture of the two of us. So, we got one full body shot of his first day of school outfit. A special thanks to Gma B for the cute ensemble. Kolbe was so excited to have a special outfit set aside to wear on his first day. Again, he's not looking to anxious, but doesn't he look CUTE?!?
A classroom picture in the reading nook. After school Kolbe said no one would read to him and that he didn't know how to read yet.
As soon as Libby realized Kolbe was gone she headed straight to the toys that are off limits to her. She got out his playdough toys and sacred drill. Amazingly she knew how to operate it even though she has not ever been allowed within ten feet of the drill. After she was finished I put all of the playdough toys away. Within minutes of walking in the door after school Kolbe said, "What a minute... someone's been playing with my playdough toys."

Libby's working hard and sticking out that tongue. Remind you of anyone?

So, what did he have to say about his day? "There was a little big girl who was crying." When I came in to get him his first word to me was "No." He wanted to stay there. So much for being worried that he spent the morning miserable because he missed his family. He was more interested in eating lunch with the other kids. Many stay all day and bring a sack lunch. He saw lots of goodies he wanted for lunch but I finally convinced him we couldn't stay and eat because he didn't like sandwiches. The teacher had told all of the kids to eat their sandwiches first. He was ready to go after that. All afternoon he talked about what he was going to do Wednesday in preschool. Hopefully this excitement will continue. His teachers seem to love kids. He got a hug when he first arrived from one and a hug when he left from the other.


At 2:09 PM, Blogger Scott and Suzanne said...

That first picture is classic! He looks SO cute. I'm glad he had such a good time


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