The kids are sporting their school colors. They enjoy going to the games at school and Kolbe volunteered to help dad at his recent school function.
A couple of weeks ago dad took Kolbe to the train show in town. He enjoyed the kid-powered train.
Kolbe and Libby love playing dress up. Almost daily they are up in Kolbe's room playing army or dressing up like princesses. They also love to wear underwear on their heads. Jeff says they're my kids. The other day in the car Kolbe out of the blue, and very seriously, announced, "You know mom, one of my favorite things to do is put underwear on my head and dance around."
Libby has emptied her underwear drawer to try on each one. She has been doing great with not too many accidents, but is in diapers at night still. I don't want to speak too soon, it seems that everytime she is doing well wearing big girl panties she has another bout of diarrea and is immediatly back in diapers again. Maybe this is the time that will take.
We are so proud of our 4 and a half year old "daughter"
Kolbe dressed his baby in an army costume so they would match. He won this bear out of one of those claw vending machines. When we walked by I noticed the bear was in the claw and all Kolbe had to do was make the claw open and he would win. I put in 50 cents and now he thinks he is an expert at the claw game.
Jeff found Libby reading to herself in bed. She enjoys some time to herself alone every so often. When she needs to go to the restroom she tells us she needs "Pivacy" and we have to shut the door and give her a few minutes.
And last but not least. The past couple of weekends we have taken care of our niece, Allyssa. Last week at school she won an award for perseverance. We were all very proud of her and had a "perseverance party" to celebrate her accomplishment and hard work! Yes, Jeff told me I may have misspelled perseverance on the cookie cake and sure enough I had. It is a lot easier to edit a document on the computer than a cookie cake.
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