
Monday, December 17, 2007

Lots of pictures... Jeff had a snowball fight with the kids after our last snow.

Libby has no idea a snowball is coming right toward her.

Once it hit she jumped up and looked right at Dad--he thought he was getting away with it.
Kolbe gladly joined in the snowball fight.
Libby's having a ball!
We caught him laying in the snow having a treat. Last week after eating snow he said he wasn't hungry for dinner since he had eaten so much snow. He was convinced snow was a healthy dinner alternative. We'll see if our poor little tree can make it through to next spring. Libby was trying her best to uproot it.We enjoyed a Knight's of Columbus Christmas dinner at church. Kolbe is a huge fan of the K of C. Santa made a showing and Libby kept gazing lovingly into his eyes.
Kolbe gave Santa a quick rundown of his Christmas list. All construction items of course. I can't imagine what kind of construction items he could possibly need, he has every vehicle and tool known to man. His latest desire is trash trucks. He takes Libby's doll stroller and uses it as a trash truck when he emties the trash cans around the house. He typically does this twice a day.
This was our feeble attempt at our 2007 Christmas picture. The kids were dressed up for Great Gpa Harolds funeral. They brought up the gifts. After we finished the task Kolbe asked me when we were going to take up the gifts. I told him that's what we had just done. He looked at me with a suspicious look in his eyes and asked why the gifts weren't wrapped.


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