
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A couple of Kolbe funnies.

Lately he has been telling all kinds of lies. Jeff commented that he has a very active imagination, which he definitely does, but that's no excuse. This morning Janelle took him out for a bagel while running errands. He loves bagels. When he got home he told me no one gave him anything to eat. Janelle said he had eaten his bagel, but Kolbe vehemently disagreed. He is not the neatest of eaters and I asked him how he got the cream cheese on his shirt if he hadn't eaten a bagel. He said Janelle dumped it on him, without any hesitation to develop his story. He also had a bit of his breakfast on his cheek. He said Janelle dumped the cream cheese on his cheek too. We'd think his lies were a bit more believable if it weren't for the fact that are so blantantly and obviously FALSE. I guess the lies will worry us a little more when he is clever enough to hide the evidence.

Last week Kolbe happened to be in the living room by himself with the twins as I was walking in I heard him say, "Twins, do you want to sit on my lap? I've got a leg for each of you."

Usually Kolbe uses the right words in the proper context, but once in a while we hear something like this: After leaving his cereal untouched for several minutes he informs me, "I don't want to eat my cereal, it got all...melted."

A few days ago we had no milk, so the kids and I searched the fridge for something else to eat for breakfast. We found some crescent rolls and decided to make cinnamon rolls out of them. When I took out the sugar bowl Kolbe said, "Dad doesn't like us to have that stuff." We made the cinnamon/sugar mixture and started to sprinkle it on the rolls. Kolbe got a little carried away and one roll had a huge pile of cinnamon. Jeff and I looked and each other and made gagging/chocking sounds. Kolbe said, "I'll save that roll for Libby."


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